In Brief

After a brief vacation in Florida, visiting friends, we collected the trailer in Dallas and then headed North to Guthrie, OK, from there we followed Route 66 West. We spent time seeing many of the natural wonders of the South West as well as finding out more about the Native American culture of the area. We flew back from Los Angeles on May 24th.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dealey Plaza and South Fork

Dealey Plaza has been one of the items on 'Our Most Important Places toVisit' list since starting our travels. Strangely, although everyone in England knows the history of the assassination of John F Kennedy, the place associated with it is The Book Depository and the name Dealey Plaza is not so commonly used, whereas in the USA Dealey Plaza, quite rightly, is the focal point of the event.
We did our tour of the Sixth Floor Museum, which refreshed a lot of the information we had learned over the years. It was interesting to see the reconstruction of the 'Sniper's Nest' in the corner of the Sixth Floor, disappointingly no photography was allowed. I don't quite know what they would lose by it, still they ain't gonna change because of me.
The assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald seemed straight forward, with only a couple of question marks. However, it is afterwards that I have been set thinking. Like so many other assassinations there are only facts, possible facts and questions, no objectively true answers. The biggest question to me is: why did he not shoot the president on Houston Ave - where he had a much clearer, closer shot, with the car coming in a straight line towards him? The trouble is that once you start looking for conspiracy, you find all sorts of things which can be conspiratorial. Whatever happened it was a sad day for the USA.

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We then drove round the inner ring road of Dallas, which is truly confusing unless you are really on the ball, and by mistake we had to drive into Dallas along the road which features in the opening credits for 'Dallas'. We skirted the city and drove to the north of Dallas to visit South Fork Ranch, the home of the TV series 'Dallas'. It was fun to see the house where the series was based, although all the inside shots were done in a studio in California. It was a lot smaller than we remembered from the series, but they apparently used wide angled lenses which made the place look bigger than it actually was. Inside was still as it was when it was the home of a Texas Millionaire and it was very, very plush. Most striking was the master bedroom, which is huge, with a walk-in washroom, 2 toilet rooms (his and hers we assume), a walk in shower room and a large sunken bath room. We also saw 'Daddy's' Lincoln Continental, which was very nicely looked after.

To view the captions:Wait until the photo fully loads and move the mouse arrow to the lower portion of the photo. Use the left /right arrow keys to move through the collection. You can view in full screen as well

1 comment:

  1. how much time did it take you to do both? A morning or a whole day?
