In Brief

After a brief vacation in Florida, visiting friends, we collected the trailer in Dallas and then headed North to Guthrie, OK, from there we followed Route 66 West. We spent time seeing many of the natural wonders of the South West as well as finding out more about the Native American culture of the area. We flew back from Los Angeles on May 24th.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Carlsbad Caverns

Today we have visited what I think are the most famous and best caverns in the world. Carlsbad Caverns.
Known for thousands of years but only explored since 1898 and opened to the public in 1933.
They are still exploring the system, some parts are more than 100 miles long.
The part that we were able to explore is more than half a mile long, with a path 1 1/4 miles long, all in one cavern.
To get to it you can either walk in the natural entrance or ride the elevator 750 foot down to the reception area the bottom. It has a restaurant, gift shop and restrooms. Once we had oriented ourselves and got used to the 56 degrees F we set off. What a fabulous walk amongst the many rock features, stalactites, stalagmites, rock curtains, pools, high ceilings, huge drops, masssive features and tiny little cameos of rock formations.
Well we took three hours to get round the loop of the big room and had a great time.
We took many pictures, not all of them came out, but I expected that in the low light conditions. However the ones that I have published do not really give any idea of the scale of the caverns, but at least we ahve tried.

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